This is my water color self protrait. I spent almost all of this last week on it. I started out with a general sketch a rectangle then sculpting the face out of that. After that I put shapes where I wanted the features to be and outlines the hair neck and shirt. After I had finnished the general sketch I started to add the colors leaving white areas for highlights. I started with a very light skin tone which I made by mixing green red and a tiny bit of yellow then as i added in more shadows I would darken the color. The hair was done by mixing some of the skin tone with a bit more blue and red to create a light-dark brown. For the shirt I used blue shadows to show the folds. the lips are the skin tone mixed with a tiny bit more red. The eyes are a blue grey green and the pupils are accually a dark blue purple and the highlights in them were created useing white tempra paint.
<3 Happy Halloween Anna-Linnea

This is my self portrait I used a graphite stick to do it. This drawing pays a little too much attention to the details rather than shadows and highlights. the proportions on the face are pretty close to correct as far as I can tell the neck is a little off center but that is the only thing I see. In human faces i find that the eyebrows are the hardest to draw and sketch in. In this assignment one thing I noticed is that the highlights in my eyes are accually at the bottom where I drew them in this could have just been from the lighting though.
<3 Anna-Linnea

Today I added flesh to the skulls I have been drawing. The proportions in this drawing are very important the eyes are set halfway between the top of the head and the chin. The nose sits about halfway between the eyes and the chin. Last the mouth is 1/3 below the nose and 2/3 above the chin. Durring this assignment I also learned how to draw the specific features so they look correct I learned that the way I have drawn eyes could be tampered to look more realistic.
<3 Anna-Linnea

Drawings like this were made after I made a clay skull which is being fired and pictures of him will be posted shortly. After we had modled a block of clay into a skull we drew him again using porpotions and 3Dness to turn it into a human like head.

Happy October!!!!! I have been doing some skull drawings this is the first set. for these sketches we drew a skull from 3 differant angles with a conti crayon. The purpose of these drawings is to show the proportions of a human head and the fact that our heads are round not masks. This assignment was difficult because the conti crayons cannot be erassed so we had to draw alot of experimental lines.

Just clarifying that this is my choice value drawing and my value drawing will be posted shortly the description for this is posted under bamboo brush drawings. :)
<3 Anna-Linnea

This is a texture drawing of a crumpled peice of paper towel. In this assignment we were told to use three types of shading. Stippling which is a series of small dots. Cross etching which is crossing lines at different angles this also helps to show the shape of an object. Last, parrallel lines.

This week we have started to use water colors to draw still life. Our drawing subjects are apples which are arranged in groups of three to four. I start with the bigger shapes and warmer colors like yellow first. then use layering to create depth and shape. Last year  we used pastels to draw apples this allowed for mre blending and persision these pictures are posted under draw and paint gallery. This assignment will be posted shortly.