As promiced this is the two point perspective room the differance bettween this and the one point perspective is the vanishing points. in one point there is one vanishing point which is located on the page, but in two point perspective  there are two vanishing points and the almost always lie off the page. I had lots of fun with this drawing my favorite part of it got cut off a bit but there is a painting of a two point persective rrom inside the two point persective room.

<3 Anna-Linnea

This was a reveiw on one point perspective to get us ready to learn two point perspective which will be the next blog. One point perspective is what you see when you are parallel to the wall of a room this is done by using one vanishing point for that picture.

In class last week we worked on black and white paintings using bamboo brushes. The point of these drawings was to show depth, space, not to hug the conners, and to have a point of interest. The top picture is the painting I think turned out to best show these objectives the lines go in all differant dirrections so they do not hug on partictular place on the picture they also cover the whole page showing space. The lighter colored lines fade into the background while the darker lines come forward creating the illusion of 3D space on a 2D surface. the lighter center with only 2 dark lines draw the eye to it creating a focal point. the second picture is another I did with the same materials I just like this on it reminds me of rain. 
This is the new assignment it is a rough scetch of the room through a focal point (large chair). this scetch was not suposed to show exact texture or detail rather to show depth and porportion of the objects in the room. This scetch i found to be difficult because of the fact that we cannot show detail. Normally when I draw I would like to show the details and texture of the objects. For this scetch indtead of spending my time focusing on the textrues I found myself focusing on the general shape and porportions of the object I was scetching. the finnished scetch will be posted in the advanced art gallery.

<3 Anna-Linnea

This is my finnished collage I used the color purple in differant shades. The brighter pieces come out to the front while the darker purple I pasted on first to place them in the background. the shapes in my collage are softer due to the fact that I tore the papper rather than cut it with scissors. I tryed to balance the picture out a little by placeing the large pieces all over it. the edge I created by ripping the paper I belive gives my collage a unique texture. I have started the next assignment which is a sketch showwing depth I will post that shortly. 

I have been working on a collage using magazine cutouts. I chose my favorite color which is purple. When I have finnished I will post a picture of it along with another blog.

<3 Anna-Linnea
This is my first blog! I am currently in advanced art and I have taken draw and paint. The advanced art gallery will have nothing in it for a week or so until i can take pictures of my work there. I will be uploading my other drawings/paintings to the other gallerys. I will also be uploading a few photos I take as well as what I draw. well thats it.
<3 Anna-Linnea